
I've increased the entropy of the universe by writing these

Not much, but it's honest work

4 min read

At my company we have to deal with high network loads, these are the findings how we improved the performance of our services.

2 min read

It took about a year or two to find the most elegant and fitting solution. I had tons of attempts, but most of it were trash. Actually, I didn’t know what I wanted.

20 min read

After going through this tutorial, you’ll understand the basics of Ansible - an open-source software provisioning, configuration management, and application-deployment tool.

14 min read

In this article I’m going to show how you can generate a PDF document from a heavily styled React page using Puppeteer, headless Chrome & Docker.

8 min read

This is the first post of a series called ‘Learn JavaScript for free’ - in these chapters, you can read about the path of becoming a JavaScript developer and getting hired.