
Static site with Hugo + Netlify deploy

3 min read

If you’re wondering how to make a static site like this one, search no more.

I had this thought before that it would be good to have developer blog, but I was lazy to make it. Until now…

So what are the options in terms of static site generators?

  • Gatsby (React)
  • Hugo (Go)
  • Next.js (React)
  • Jekyll (Ruby)
  • Gridsome (Vue)

These are the most starred projects on GitHub. I’ve read about Hugo previously, so I decided to make this blog with it.



brew install hugo


sudo apt-get install hugo


sudo pacman -Syu hugo

To verify your install:

hugo version


Create a new project:

hugo new site my-project

Add a theme. You can find themes here.

cd my-project
git init
git submodule add https://github.com/budparr/gohugo-theme-ananke.git themes/ananke

Add the theme to the config file.

echo 'theme = "ananke"' >> config.toml

Add some content.

hugo new posts/my-first-post.md

It should look something like this:

title: "My First Post"
date: 2020-01-05T18:37:11+01:00
draft: true

Hello World!

There are lots of options (tags, description, categories, author) you can write to the front matter details. More about the details here.

Take a look what we made:

hugo server -D

Open localhost:1313


Remember, we applied a theme before. Now if we inspect the themes folder, we can see the styling files.


Instead we will mirror the theme directory structure to the root layouts folder. Let’s say I want to apply custom CSS to the theme.

The theme has a themes/theme-name/layouts/partials folder, where we can find some html templates (header.html, footer.html). Now we will edit the header.html template, so copy the content from this file to layouts/partials/header.html and be careful to create the same directory structure like the theme’s into the root layouts folder.



Create a custom css file: static/css/custom-style.css.

Add the custom css file to config.toml:

  custom_css = ["css/custom-style.css"]

Open layouts/partials/header.html:

Add this code inside the <head> tag:

{{ range .Site.Params.custom_css -}}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ . | absURL }}" />
{{- end }}

Now you can overwrite css classes applied by your theme.


Netlify is a very good choice for hosting a static site.


  • Netlify account
  • Github repository

Create a netlify.toml file into the root of your project with the content below.

I won’t go into the smallest details how to set up Github and Netlify on the UI, but here is a netlify.toml file:

publish = "public"  // default hugo build folder
command = "hugo --gc --minify" // hugo build command

HUGO_VERSION = "0.62.1"
HUGO_ENV = "production"

Now if you push your code to Github, Netlify will deploy the site, and blogging shall start.

Hugo offers so much more you should know about. Discover the official documentation.

Unlimited power

Mate Boer